Human Food You should Never Feed your Dog

Many pet owners let their dogs eat from their plates and left-overs. Let us tell you that this is very wrong! Allowing your pet to eat the food you consume isn’t only harmful but also life-threatening to them. The food we commonly eat on a daily basis consists of fats, cholesterol, and natural chemicals that are prone to a dog’s health.

Xylitol, a naturally obtained chemical mixed in chocolates to make it sweet, can cause insulin levels to rise and damage your dog’s liver.

There are many food items, raw or cooked, that we consume on a daily basis which can create troubles for your pet. As a precautionary measure, you should stop feeding pet your of your kitchen. And, put your trash away from the reach of your nosy-friends who often dive into the trash can to scavenge for food scraps.

10 Human Foods to Avoid Feeding your Dog

Urban Pet Hospital & Resort, the best doggy daycare has compiled a list of food items that are harmful and useful for dogs. The list is also recommended by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center of food harmful for dogs.

Yeast Dough

Yeast dough is harmful to dogs mainly because the yeast begins to rise once it gets into your dog’s digestive system. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch their abdomen, bloat their stomach or even twist it, making it a lot painful to them. In many cases, consuming a large amount of yeast dough can become a life-threatening emergency. The yeast produces a chemical ‘ethanol’ as a by-product which leads to alcohol poisoning in dogs.


Xylitol is a naturally originating chemical found in many plants and trees. It is used as a sweetener in many food items such as chewing gum, candy, baked goods, and toothpaste. Ingesting xylitol leads to the release of insulin in dogs. The excessive increase in insulin can lead to hypoglycemia (lowered sugar levels) and can trigger vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. If not treated within a few days, it can lead to elevated liver enzymes and liver failure in dogs. Carefully dispose away of the candy and gums, and keep the trash can away from your dog’s reach.

Salty Food

Most fast food items eaten by people including Pizza, burger, fries, Lasagna, pop-corn, and Pasta consist of a large amount of salt (sodium). Large amounts of salt intake can produce excessive thirst and urination in dogs. In many cases, the continuous intake of sodium can even lead to sodium ion poisoning in pets.

There are tell-tale signs of sodium poisoning such as vomiting and diarrhea. Severe symptoms include depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, and seizures.

Onion, Garlic, and Chives

We often use onion, garlic, and chives in our meal to make it delicious. The problem with these natural root-items is that they can cause gastrointestinal irritation in dogs and cats. It is less troubling if consumed in a small amount. However, if your dog consumes a large portion at once, it can lead to red blood cell damage or anemia. The tell-tale signs include weakness, vomiting, and breathing problems.

Toxicity is normally diagnosed through history, clinical signs, and microscopic confirmation of Heinz bodies. You should keep onions and garlic -- powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated -- away from your dog.  Do not let your dog nibble on fast foods found at fests, carnivals, and beaches

Milk and Dairy

Milk and dairy products can be harmful to dogs mainly because they do not possess significant amounts of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. Consuming a large amount of milk and other dairy-based products can lead to diarrhea or other digestive upset in dogs. They can also trigger food allergies, which can cause her to itch. Unlike popular belief, milk is harmful to cats. Instead of sharing your ice cream with your dog, instead, give them some cold water.

Grapes and Raisins

Popular fruits like grapes and raisins consist of unknown toxins that can lead to kidney failure in dogs. Although the actual toxic compound is unknown, many instances and research have led to the belief that consuming grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure. Even small amounts of grapes and raisins can be troublesome for your dog. Signs of ingestion include vomiting, tremors, lethargy, and dehydration.

Chocolate and Caffeine

Do not let your dog nibble on chocolates and caffeine-based food products. Chocolate contains a substance called methylxanthines which are commonly found in Cacao seeds. Ingestion of methylxanthines leads to vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, and seizures. In a severe case, death is common too. The dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate because it contains more methylxanthines and caffeine. Prevent your dog from slurping coffee and tea from the cup or floor.


Alcohol causes ethanol poisoning in dogs. They shouldn’t consume it even the smallest bit of amount. The tell-tale signs of ethanol poisoning include a lack of coordination, diarrhea, seizures, and vomiting. In many cases, it leads to central nervous system depression, tremors, and abnormal blood acidity in dogs. Contact your pet hospital in Urbandale as soon as you notice these signs.

Coconut and Coconut Oil

When ingested in small amounts, coconut or coconut-based products do not pose problems to dogs. However, the flesh and milk of fresh coconuts contain oils that may cause stomach upset, loose stools, or diarrhea in dogs. Coconut water is mainly avoided for pets because it contains a high amount of potassium.


Citrus fruits are commonly found around many gardens, parks, and forests. Beware if your dog starts nibbling on these small fruits. The stems, leaves, peels, fruit, and seeds of citrus plants contain varying amounts of citric acid, essential oils that can lead to bowel irritation and central nervous system depression. A small amount doesn’t necessarily hurt your dog, however, if ingested in a significant amount it can lead to many problems.

Here are some of the food items and fruits that you can consider feeding your dog. However, you must remember to use moderation when introducing these food items.

  • Blueberries
  • Pineapples
  • Strawberries
  • Salmon
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bananas
  • Cheese
  • Cooked eggs (Never feed raw eggs)
  • Oranges
  • Carrots


Urban Pet Hospital & Resort offers some of the best-certified veterinarians in Urbandale. Get in touch with us to find out about the best ways to take care of your pet.

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