Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds to Own

Owning a cat is a delightful experience nonetheless, but for many, the pleasure derives from having the most expensive breed of feline that displays luxury!

If you wish to own expensive cat breeds as a pet, consider looking into exquisite and somewhat rare feline breeds like Savannah, Ashera, Bengal, Chausie, Peterbald, Persian, Russian Blue, Sphynx, Scottish Fold, and Ragdoll.

However, these expensive feline companions come with the demand of high maintenance, which you should know about.

Read on to learn more about the most expensive cat breeds in the world and their overall maintenance.

10 Expensive Cat Breeds

If you are wondering, several factors may contribute to the high cost of certain cat breeds: rarity, lineage, and unique traits. 

For example, breeds like Savannah, Ashera, and Bengal are prized for their distinct appearances and hybrid backgrounds, while their limited availability also increases the price they are offered.

Additionally, factors such as care needs, health considerations, and specific traits further enhance the overall expense of these highly desired cats. 

      1.Ragdoll Cat

Breeder Ann Baker gave origin to the Ragdoll cat in California, USA, during the 1960s. 

She created the distinctive features of the Ragdoll by carefully selecting domestic longhaired cats with blue eyes. 

The breed’s name refers to its tendency to go limp when lifted. Ragdolls are renowned for captivating blue eyes.

  • Cost: Ragdoll cats typically range from $1,000 to $2,500. Known for their docile nature and striking blue eyes, they are a favorite among cat lovers.
  • Care Tips: 
    • Regular grooming is necessary for their semi-longhair coat. 
    • These cats enjoy human interaction and may go limp when picked up.
  • Health Considerations: Monitor for dental issues and ensure a balanced diet for their overall well-being.
  • Habitat: They feel comfortable in a cozy environment with temperatures ranging from 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2.Scottish Fold Cat

The Scottish Fold cat’s origin traces back to 1961 in Scotland when a farmer discovered a cat with distinctive folded ears. 

He maintained the trait of folded ears while breeding, making the Scottish Fold breed. 

Recognized for their charming appearance, Scottish Folds are popular among cat enthusiasts worldwide.

  • Cost: Scottish Folds can range from $1,000 to $3,000. They are a charming and popular breed known for their distinctive folded ears.
  • Care Tips: 
    • Regularly clean their folded ears to prevent wax buildup. 
    • Provide interactive toys to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
  • Health Considerations: Monitor joint issues due to their unique ear structure.
  • Habitat: They thrive indoors with temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

    3.Sphynx Cat

In the 1960s, domestic cats with natural hairlessness in Canada were selectively bred to create the Sphynx. 

This breed gained recognition in the 1980s. Despite their seemingly fragile exterior, Sphynx cats have a robust and affectionate nature.

  • Cost: Sphynx cats can cost between $3,000 and $10,000. Known for their hairless appearance, they are a unique and attention-grabbing breed.
  • Care Tips: Due to their lack of fur, they need protection from sunlight and can benefit from regular baths to remove oil buildup.
  • Health Considerations: Sphynx cats are prone to temperature sensitivity, so provide them with warmth in cold weather conditions.
  • Habitat:

    They thrive in warm environments at 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    4.Russian Blue Cat

The Russian Blue cat’s origin traces back to Northern Russia, where it developed naturally over centuries. 

Initially, it gained recognition for its striking blue-gray coat and emerald-green eyes. The breed’s elegant appearance and gentle nature contributed to its popularity.

  • Cost: Russian Blue cats typically range from $4,000 to $6,000. 
  • Care Tips: 
    • Brush their short coat regularly to reduce shedding. 
    • These cats appreciate a calm and predictable routine.
  • Health Considerations: Keep an eye on their dental health and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Habitat: They prefer a comfortable living space between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

    5.Peterbald Cat

The Peterbald cat originated in Russia in the early 1990s when breeders crossed a hairless breed of Donskoy with Siamese and Oriental Shorthair cats. 

The goal was to create a breed with a hair-losing trait, similar to the Sphynx, but with a more elegant appearance. 

The result was the Peterbald, a unique feline with various coat types, from entirely bald to fine.

  • Cost: Ranging from $2,000 to $5,000, the Peterbald is known for its hair-losing trait. These cats can be completely bald.
  • Care Tips: 
    • Pay attention to their sensitive skin. 
    • Provide a balanced diet to support their unique coat condition.
  • Health Considerations: Protect them from extreme temperatures due to their lack of fur.
  • Habitat: They are best suited for indoor living, and the ideal temperature for Peterbald cats ranges between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    6.Persian Cat

The Persian cat originated in Persia, now Iran, and became well-known in the 1600s. 

It was first brought to Europe in the 1600s and soon gained popularity as a long-hair breed. Persians gained more prestige due to Queen Victoria’s interest in them. 

Over time, selective breeding improved their unique characteristics, like their long, luxurious coat and flat face. 

Persian cats are adored till now because of their kind nature and grand beauty.

  • Cost: Persian cats can range from $5,000 to $10,000. They are a classic choice for those seeking an elegant companion.
  • Care Tips: 
    • Regular grooming is essential to prevent matting. 
    • Provide a quiet environment, as they are sensitive to loud noises.
  • Health Considerations: Watch for respiratory issues due to facial structure and keep their eyes clean to prevent infections.
  • Habitat: Persian cats prefer a comfortable and moderate environment with temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    7.Bengal Cat

The Bengal cat’s history traces back to the 1960s when breeder Jean Mill aimed to create a cat that looks like a wild leopard. 

She crossed an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat, eventually producing the first-generation Bengals.

The breed gained recognition in the 1980s for its striking spotted or marbled coat and wild aesthetic. Bengals are known for their playful nature and distinctive appearance.

  • Cost: Depending on pedigree and markings, Bengal cats can range from $1,000 to $25,000.
  • Care Tips: 
    • The Bengals are active and need playtime. 
    • Puzzle feeders can provide mental stimulation. 
    • Regular grooming is essential for their sleek coat.
  • Health: Be aware of genetic conditions, including heart disease and progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Habitat: They can tolerate heat, but the ideal temperature is 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    8.Chausie Cat

Crossing domestic cats with the jungle-dwelling Felis chaus, or jungle cat, resulted in the Chausie breed.

This hybridization aimed to capture the wild appearance while maintaining a friendly temperament.

  • Cost: Chausies can cost between $8,000 and $25,000. This breed results from a cross between domestic and jungle cats.
  • Care Tips: 
    • Chausies are highly energetic and require ample playtime. 
    • Consider leash training for outdoor exploration in a safe environment.
  • Health Considerations: Regular exercise is crucial to maintain health and prevent obesity.
  • Habitat: Chausie cats have jungle ancestry and can thrive in temperatures ranging from 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

    9.Ashera Cat

The Ashera cat, introduced by Lifestyle Pets in 2007, claimed to be a rare and exotic breed. It is a crossbreed between the African serval, Asian leopard cat, and domestic cat; however, its origins are controversial. 

Some sources suggested it was a hybrid, while others believed it might be a domestic cat marketed as a new breed. 

The mystery surrounding the Ashera’s ancestry and high price tag increase its appeal.

  • Cost: It costs approximately $22,000.
  • Care Tips: 
    • These cats require mental stimulation. 
    • Puzzle toys and climbing structures can keep them engaged. 
  • Health Considerations: Regular grooming and routine veterinary care are crucial to maintaining their luxurious coat.
  • Habitat: Ashera cats are a hybrid breed and can thrive in moderate temperatures between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and adapt well to indoor living.

    10.Savannah Cat

The Savannah cat originated in the 1980s when breeder Judee Frank crossed a serval, a wild African cat, with a domestic cat. 

The idea was to produce a domestic cat that looked a lot like a serval. The breed gained popularity due to its unique appearance, resembling a small leopard.

  • Cost: The Savannah cat tops our list by averaging around $20,000 to $25,000. 
  • Care Tips: 
    • Provide plenty of space for these active cats. 
    • Regular play sessions and interactive toys are essential. 
    • Their diet should include high-quality cat food. 
  • Health Considerations: Watch out for dental issues and ensure regular veterinary check-ups.
  • Habitat: They prefer warm places with temperatures ranging from 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit.


Owning an expensive cat breed comes with its own set of responsibilities. 

Before diving into high-priced cats, potential owners should carefully plan to meet these luxurious breeds’ financial and emotional demands.

Contact Urban Pet Hospital, the best pet hospital in Des Moines, to meet their specific care needs.

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