Unlocking the benefits of Acupuncture for Your Furry Friend

The veterinary world is expanding beyond the usual routines, offering a new dimension of well-being for loving pets, including acupuncture as an alternative therapy.

Did you know veterinary acupuncture boosts the recovery rate of ill pets by 63%?

Pet acupuncture can treat or improve conditions like arthritis, metabolic disorders, injury and trauma, neurological disorders, skin conditions, respiratory issues, inflammation, stress, and even cancer trauma.

Learn how acupuncture heals and helps your four-legged friend in illness.

What is Veterinary Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a 4,000-year-old veterinary practice originating from traditional Chinese medicine.

Rooted in ancient principles, it aims to stimulate energy flow, known as Qi. The process involves inserting thin needles into Qi meridians on an animal’s body to promote balance.

There are 12 pairs of primary meridians in the animal’s body, each associated with specific organs. Along these meridians, there are more than 150 acupoints, typically along the back, limbs, joint regions, and head.

The main motive of acupuncture is to disrupt these points to regulate hormones and promote faster healing.

Consider acupuncture points as the GPS coordinates for your pet’s well-being, where each point corresponds to a specific body area, creating a roadmap to cure a disease. 

How Does Acupuncture Work in Pets?

The step-by-step acupuncture in pets is laid out as such;

  • Examination: The veterinarian examines the pet to identify the overall condition or specific injured area, including observing the pet’s behavior, palpating muscles, and evaluating mobility.
  • Point Selection: The veterinarian selects acupuncture points based on the diagnosis. The goal is to restore balance by stimulating or sedating these points.
  • Needle Insertion: The doctor gently inserts sterile, thin needles into the selected acupuncture points. The depth and angle depend on the pet’s size and the specific condition being treated. 
  • Stimulation: Once the needles are in place, the veterinarian stimulates them manually or with electrical impulses. This stimulation enhances the flow of Qi, promoting the body’s natural healing processes. 
  • Monitoring: The vet closely monitors the pet during the acupuncture session, which lasts 15-30 minutes. Many animals relax during the process, and some may even fall asleep.
  • Repeat Sessions: One session cannot cure a problem at its root. Pets require multiple acupuncture sessions, depending on the nature of the condition. Usually, vets schedule other sessions weekly based on the pet’s response or as needed.
  • Assessment and Adjustments: After each session, the veterinarian monitors the pet’s progress and may adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

Acupuncture is often used along with regular veterinary care for effective treatment.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Pets

Unlike meds, acupuncture for pets is safe, with no harm to organs, and it does not clash with other treatments, medications, and prescriptions.

Generally, every pet owner reports positive outcomes. However, individual responses vary according to the pet’s health status.

  • It helps to reduce inflammation, promoting faster healing and improved mobility.
  • It helps to relax the nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety in pets, and is particularly useful for those with behavioral issues. 
  • It improves joint function and flexibility, especially for older pets or those with musculoskeletal issues.
  • It works well alongside conventional veterinary treatments, providing a holistic approach to pet healthcare.
  • It stimulates the immune system, potentially helping pets resist infections.
  • It promotes the smooth flow of Qi, addresses body imbalances, and contributes to improved behavior.
  • It promotes blood circulation and repairs damaged tissues.

What Health Conditions in Pets Can Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture in veterinary medicine can be beneficial for various conditions, including

  1. Arthritis

Acupuncture for arthritis in pets involves stimulating specific points to release endorphins. It helps to manage the musculoskeletal disorders of fur patients. 

Studies show up to 70% of arthritic animals experience enhanced mobility after acupuncture sessions. It thus provides a significant improvement in joint function.

For conditions like hip dysplasia, acupuncture promotes blood flow to affected areas, facilitating tissue repair.

However, the main aim is to reduce the pain. Acupuncture therapy decreases pain scores by 50% or more.

 2. Metabolic Disorders

Acupuncture enhances metabolism by triggering the release of hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and cortisol. 

These hormones help to fight inflammatory bowel disease, from which 70% of animals suffer. 

This ancient practice’s ability to stimulate these specific hormones is critical to curing gastrointestinal disorders and maintaining healthy gut function.


3. Injury and Trauma

Acupuncture promotes the release of cytokines. It helps to reduce swelling and speeds up healing in soft tissue injuries.

In many studies, animals with soft tissue injuries showed 60-80% less recovery time with acupuncture than regular treatments. Research reveals a 50% drop in pain in animals getting acupuncture post-surgery.

Therefore, it works for injuries and helps by lessening pain and inflammation after surgery.

It also helps reduce the reliance on pain medications, making it a valuable part of post-surgery care for animals.

4. Neurological Disorders

Acupuncture helps brain function by boosting blood flow and calming inflammation. 

Not only does it improve motor function, but it also addresses Parkinson’s disease and Thoracolumbar interverbal disk herniation (TL-IVDH).

This ancient practice stimulates the release of helpful hormones like endorphins and serotonin and proper blood flow to enhance neurological function. 

Acupuncture can aid nerve regeneration for effective hormone secretion. Overall, it plays a crucial role in making the nervous system work better.

5. Skin Conditions

Acupuncture helps with skin troubles by calming the body’s defenses and reducing redness. 

In animals with itchy skin from allergies, acupuncture reduces the symptoms by controlling dermatomes and spinal segments

This ancient technique deeply works by adjusting the body’s immune responses. Whether it is allergies causing discomfort or other skin issues, acupuncture is valuable in relief.

So, acupuncture is not just a needle in the haystack for furry friends dealing with allergic dermatitis or similar skin problems.

It is a natural way to soothe the itch and comfort their skin.

6. Respiratory Issues

Acupuncture does wonders for breathing issues by easing tight airways and calming inflammation. 

In animals with chronic bronchitis, studies show a 50% drop in breathing troubles when acupuncture is in the mix.

It kicks respiratory problems and gives your furry friends a breath of fresh air. 

So, whenever breathing challenges cause a ruckus, reach out to acupuncture, a pet-friendly helper.

7. Cancer Support

Acupuncture lends a helping hand to animals with cancer, making their lives better by easing pain.

Studies indicate a 20% boost in survival rates for animals with cancer getting acupuncture.

This ancient practice is not a cure, but it can definitely become a supportive partner in the battle against cancer. 

It naturally supports animals facing the challenges of cancer, making their journey a bit more bearable.


While acupuncture can be beneficial, it is essential to note that it is not a complete medical therapy. Moreover, the results may vary from pet to pet.

Veterinary acupuncture works alongside regular care to keep them healthy and happy. 

Talk to our certified veterinarian at Urban Pet Hospital to figure out the best acupuncture plan for your pet and their specific needs.

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