8 Pet Parenting Techniques to Use

Becoming a pet parent and raising them can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but it also comes with lots of responsibility.

Not only must you ensure your pet’s basic needs are met, but you also want to ensure they are as comfortable as possible.

While you are probably more than happy to own and care for pets, it can get a little overwhelming sometimes. Therefore, you should be in handy about the best pet parenting techniques.

Parent your pet by teaching good manners, making them a part of the family, prioritizing preventive health care, pet-proofing home, keeping an eye on their diet, offering regular exercise, avoiding prolonged isolation, and getting pet insurance.

Read on to learn more about pet parenting techniques to use.

Parenting Techniques to Use

Whether you have had a pet for years or just adopted your first pet, learning about parenting techniques is the best way to keep your pet happy and content.

Let’s check out the eight proven pet parenting techniques you should know.

1. Teach Your Pet Good Manners

While parenting techniques should involve positive reinforcement, there are times when you will need to discipline your pet.

Scolding or yelling at your pet might seem like a quick way to get a behavioral turnaround, but they are never good techniques.

All they invite are bigger problems, including encouraging destructive behavior.

Research proved that dogs enrolled in aversive training classes showed elevated stress behaviors and significantly increased cortisol levels.

That said, the following are some pet good manners techniques pet owners should use.

  • Instill good chewing habits with pet chews and treats to keep them busy and redirect the aggressive chewers from destroying the furniture and other valuables.
  • Teach impulse control for jumping, running, and biting.
  • Keep your pet away from the dining table and place them on their bed or in a nearby crate with their favorite chew toy.
  • Train your dog to use a crate and the bathroom.
  • Teach your dog to interact with people.
  • Teach your pet that it is wrong to bite people. All pet mouths, especially during teething, need to be discouraged as if it continues into adulthood, it could cause severe damage.
  • Reward your pet with treats every time they obey commands and instructions. Give them praise and hug them for a job well done.

Starting when they are young is the best and most effective, but it is never too late to learn new tricks.

In addition, having your pet learn good manners with you means you are building upon that relationship and their trust in you.

2. Make Them Feel like Part of Your Family

Socialization is essential for pets. Especially if your pet is new, you will need to introduce them to family, animals, environments, and experiences early on.

It is essential to pay equal care and attention to your pet and feels like they belong and are loved, supported, and cared for.

So they can give back all the love they receive from you and the rest of the family.

Following are a few tips to make the most of your time with your pet and make them feel like a part of the pack.

  • To prevent your pet from begging under the table, feed them while you are having a meal.
  • Position their bed where the family action happens, unless they are older and sometimes need some peace.
  • If you are planning a holiday, ensure to take your pet with you to let them bond with your family and enjoy the same experiences as you do.
  • Take your dog for walks together with family members.
  • Prepare a special meal and feed them.

Make sure you can improve your relationship and find a way for every family member to bond with your pet.

Your pets want love just like humans. This is why when you bring one home; make them a part of your family.

3. Prioritize Preventive Health Care

Pets cannot communicate when they are not feeling well. A periodical health examination is needed to prevent severe illness and prolong your pet’s life.

When you suspect something out of the ordinary, take the necessary steps to bring your pet back to baseline for physical and mental health.

  • By the age of three, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats develop some oral disease. Therefore, it is essential to ensure your pet gets routine professional dental cleanings and gets their teeth brushed daily.
  • Provide your pet with dental chews to break up, remove plaque, and maintain oral health.
  • 60% of cats and 56% of dogs are obese in the USA. Consult with your veterinarian to help you develop a weight loss plan suited to your pet’s age and health.
  • Schedule an immunization appointment soon after welcoming your new pet into your home to protect them from illness and disease.
  • Spay and neuter your pet to help reduce their cervical, ovarian, and testicular cancer risk, alleviate aggression, and roam around.
  • Take your pet for flea and tick treatments.

Skipping a health exam may inadvertently set you and your pet up for complicated, costly treatments down the road.

Moreover, it can be a good idea to visit the vet with the rest of the family, so everyone can be on the same page about what is good for them and what you should be careful with.

4. Pet Proof Your Home

Making your home pet safe is necessary for any pet you invite inside and will ensure your pet is happy and secure when you cannot be right by their side.

To help ensure your pet’s safety, take a holistic view of your home environment and identify any areas that may need some pet-proofing.

Here is what you need to do while pet-proofing your home.

  • Keep away tiny toys hidden from sight that the pet may try to eat or chew.
  • Make sure any house plants you have in your house are non-toxic.
  • Put away items like lamps, glass, and vases that can fall and break easily by paws or even a wagging dog tail.
  • Ensure there are no loose cords around the house.
  • Many human foods, such as chocolate, onions, and plums, can be toxic to your pets. Ensure the food is stored correctly and garbage is securely covered.
  • Keep cleaning products, hazardous chemicals, and medications safely out of your pet’s reach.
  • Drinking out of the toilet can bring health risks to your pets. Keep the toilet lid closed, and consider installing a seat lock.

Take these precautions to protect your tiniest and furriest family members.

Check the infographic for more information:

5. Monitor Their Diet

Another essential aspect of raising a happy and healthy pet is maintaining a healthy diet.

Taking care of your pet’s nutritional requirements and maintaining their health is your responsibility as a pet parent.

The proper feeding tips can take a long way to ensure that your furry baby remains healthy and happy.

  • Give your pet a balanced diet that meets AAFCO
  • Feed your pet a controlled and planned diet according to weight and nutritional requirements.
  • Establish a feeding schedule to help regularize your pet’s digestion.
  • Add nutrients to their food for a balanced diet that contains protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals for their bodies to develop correctly and keep them healthy.
  • Feed your pet dry food for their health and teeth as it contains lower fat and high carb content.
  • Along with dry food, your pet also needs wet food to satisfy their taste buds and nutritional requirements.

Moreover, never feed human food to your pets. It is best to take the advice of your vet before feeding them anything.

6.Offer Regular Exercise

Besides visiting the vet regularly and providing a healthy diet, your pet also requires regular exercise to stay fit and healthy.

It keeps your pet fit and prevents behavioral problems, such as barking, chewing, pulling on the leash, and whining for attention.

  • Play fetch with your pet. Throw a ball, let your pet chase it, and bring it back to you.
  • Pet loves spending a lot of time outdoors. So take them for a hike to allow them to explore new trails and parks around the surroundings.
  • Swimming is a low-impact exercise that has tons of benefits for your pet. Take your pet for swimming to help them recover faster from injuries or sprains and release stress.
  • Enroll them in training classes.
  • Try making jumps with household items like balls and broomsticks. This provides an excellent mental and physical workout.
  • Play hide and seek together.

Bored pet tends to get in a lot of trouble. So get them proper mental stimulation with enough physical exercise daily.

Besides, learning good manners keeps your pet well-equipped to socialize with other animals and people, even strengthening the bond between you and your pet.

7. Avoid Prolonged Isolation

Sometimes you have to go away from home longer than expected because of a family emergency, a busy work schedule, or an unexpected social event.

Leaving your pet alone for hours is unpleasant and may result in accidents, anxiety, loneliness, and even depression.

According to research, a pet should never spend more than 6 to 8 hours isolated.

To ensure your pet is not lonely, have a family member or neighbor willing to check up on your pet. Otherwise, hire a pet walker or sitter to keep your pet company.

If you have a busy work schedule, consider taking your pet to a pet daycare while you are at work.

8.Enroll in Pet Insurance

Accidents or illnesses cannot always be predicted, even if you try your best to keep your pet safe and healthy.

American pet owners spend about $700 on veterinary expenses per dog and $379 on vet bills for a cat annually.

Even the most common diagnostic procedures can cost you a lot.

So spare yourself the stress of worrying about vet bills by getting your pet an insurance plan.

Pet insurance helps mitigate these high costs and covers up to 90% of vet expenses depending on the policy.

It safeguards your pet’s health for the rest of its life and gives you peace of mind knowing you will be able to afford its health expenses.


It can be intimidating to take full responsibility for a pet, but the best pet parents arm themselves with knowledge of what is needed and provide it.

As a responsible pet owner, build the above pet parenting techniques into your everyday lives and carry them out consistently.

You can undoubtedly become a good pet parent with proper guidance and persistence.

If you need more information about pet care, get in touch with Urban Pet Hospital & Resort, the best pet hospital in Urbandale.

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